A new year, a new you! This time of year is always an exciting opportunity to start fresh, to start new, to remember all of the things you may have not been happy with last year, and to forget about those.
It’s a moment where you realize you have 365 days ahead of you, and today being the 1st of many exciting, refreshing, life-changing moments.
In thinking about New Years Day, there are a few things to reflect on and to try to incorporate in to your “new you.” Many people say “I want to work out every day”, or “I want to lose 20 pounds” and they think it’ll come quickly and easily. Well, guess what folks? Anything good doesn’t come quickly OR easily. It takes time, dedication and focus.
How to make it stick? Refocus on new resolutions every MONTH, instead of every year. By breaking these down every month, it will help you take baby steps to achieving a fulfilled life this year.
Here are the best resolutions YOU can make and focus on every day to become a better you!
1.Move… EVERY day
That’s right. I didn’t say “workout every day” or “lose weight”… all I said was MOVE. What does moving mean? It means to get off of your butt, and do something, ANYTHING. Go outside and walk for 10 minutes, get some fresh air. Stretch. Do yoga. Clean your house for 20 minutes. Guess what? The more you move, the more you’ll want to move. The more you’ll want to move, the more you’ll find that LOVE for yourself, and that LOVE of feeling good, which will motivate you to EXERCISE. It’s that simple, folks. Just move. Move for 20 minutes a day. Period. Now… GO!
2. Be Grateful
If you’re not grateful for your life every day, how will you find peace with your life? Be happy about everything you have. Too often, we find ourselves seeing how messy our house is, how our husband leaves his socks on the floor every single day, how there is your child’s throw up on your sleeve. Guess what? You HAVE a house, a safe haven, a place to call HOME. You have a husband who married YOU, who chose YOU for better or worse, to love you forever. You’ve created so many life adventures together, and have so many exciting moments to go! You also have a beautiful child, who you get to call “yours”. Be grateful that you can create that life, that beautiful child who will forever call you “mom and dad”.
3. Take Care of Yourself
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily chaos we call “life”. We are always trying to do it all and to cram to much in to our already packed schedule. This leads to burnout, unhealthy eating, stress and loss of self. Please, if you don’t remember one thing in this entire article, remember to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. If you aren’t in a good state, how can you be good for your children, your husband, God? Guess what folks, it’s not possible.
Every morning, take 10, 20, 30 minutes to be in the now. Sit in your safe haven (a place in your house you feel most at ease in, most comfortable in), and just be there. Sip on coffee. And remind yourself of what day it is today, where you are now versus where you’ve been, and how to make today GREAT.
Also, don’t forget to pamper yourself. It’s amazing what a simple hair cut or manicure can do for the soul. The better you feel about yourself on the inside will reflect on what people see on the outside. If you physically take care of yourself, you’ll feel more beautiful, and thus more confident to take on life by the horns.
4. Travel & Be Adventurous
There is never enough time to go out and LIVE your life. Do fun things. Experience adventures. You can always stay at home and go to the same places. Don’t do that. Go LIVE. Pick one place per month that you want to go to that you’ve never been to, whether it’s 10 minutes away, an hour, 3 hours, and GO.
5. Feel my Emotions
Be in tuned to you, yourself and your emotions. Know what you’re feeling. Be in the NOW with your job, family, life. Truly feel what makes you happy and unhappy. If there is something unhappy going on, change it.
6. Be more Present (Less Phone Time)
That’s right… Put that damn phone down. It’s time for you to sit in REALITY for once. Have you ever just turned off the TV, hid all electronics, and sat on the couch and thought about your life? Do you realize that it’s 2016? It will be a rude awakening when you realize how fast life speeds by and you don’t take one second to soak it in. Don’t forget to sit with your husband, and just talk, as well! My husband and I always take 30 minute after dinner with no electronics, to just be with each other, whether that be playing SlapJack, or another fun game. Also, this is a great time for reflection with God! Thank Him for what you’ve got.
CHEERS to a NEW YOU in 2016!