I recently went to a concert this past weekend, and was absolutely dumbstruck by the performer. She had so much energy on stage, and stomped across it with high heels for almost three hours. She also has a little one year old son, an incredibly successful career with twelve singles hitting number one. Somehow, I was in awe how she could literally do it ALL. She was kicking butt at life. She is the best version of herself. This made me think… How can I be that person? How can I be the best version of myself?
In case if you’re wondering, this performer was none other than Country Music superstar Carrie Underwood.
To say this concert was life changing was an understatement. The night before, she attends a CMT awards show, and hops on her plane to fly to the concert. Carrie wakes up, gets in an hour-long work out and manages to spend plenty of time with her son, do her laundry and her hair and makeup. She also manages to have a beautiful marriage to withstand all of this chaos. When I say this girl can do it all, she can DO IT ALL.
Which makes me think — here I am, a budding mommy-blogger-still-working-full-time, with an 8 month old baby boy. I can’t remember the last time I ate healthy, let alone worked out. My marriage is pretty good, although we do get in our arguments occasionally.
I reflected on this. For a LONG time. I still have that voice in the back of my head whispering “You need to be better.” If I am not being the best version of myself, my husband and son are being cheated of a wonderful wife and mother. So, TODAY, I am going to be the BEST VERSION of myself. Here’s how to be the BEST version of YOU…
1. Prioritizing Exercise
A healthy body results in a healthy mind. I have NO excuse to squeeze in at least 20 minutes of exercise every day. More importantly, YOU have NO excuse either. Worried that you haven’t exercised in forever? Yoga is incredible! Unroll that yoga mat and lets GO!
2. Drinking Water
I can’t remember the last time I drank 8 glasses of water a day. Seriously, that is so sad. I drink 8 cups of coffee a day with no problem. You know what? I have bags under my eyes, so that coffee isn’t helping anything. Time to chug that miracle juice.
3. Stop Eating Sh*t
Our culture is all about conveniency. Conveniency is fast food, TV Dinners loaded with sodium, restaurant meals with 2,000 calories. This is disgusting. Our food is disgusting. I am throwing away my chips, nixing fast food, and starting to meal plan. Are you with me?!
4. Find Something You’re Good At
Being a mom is exhausting. Some days, it’s very unrewarding. Who has ever tried to feed their 8 month old mixed vegetables, and they fight every single bite? My child is the light of my life, but when he is cranky, I need an outlet to run to. For me, blogging and photography are my niche. It’s what I am good at, and it’s how I find some sort of achievement when I feel like my son is drawing me to the edge. Find something you’re good at, that you can get in to. Every mom needs that outlet. What is something you’re passionate about? Go find it!
5. 30 Minutes of “Me” Time
Moms are trying to squeeze in so much in a days time. We never get time to sit back, and live in the moment. Think you’re too busy for some “me” time? Think again. So, you haven’t slept all night, and the baby needs a bottle at 5AM. I get it, I’ve been there too. Take a lunch break, go for a walk, do yoga, meditate, anything to be alone. Hell, go hide out in the bathroom if you have to! You owe it to yourself!
Starting today, will you vow with me to incorporate these 4 things into your life? I am needing an accountability buddy, will you join me? I don’t want to hear any “I’ll start tomorrow” bullsh*t because you know what? If you don’t start NOW, you never will. NOW LETS GO!