I cried tears of joy last night. They were the best tears of joy anyone could have while having a six-week-old and 20-month-old with daily toddler tantrums.
You see, life is SO beautiful — even with two little ones. My house is a mess, I haven’t worn makeup in weeks, and I am lucky if I can get my teeth brushed before noon. But, I wouldn’t want it any other way.
So many people get wrapped up in being perfect. Having a perfect house, having the perfect clothes, and looking like their life is so easy and perfect when they are falling apart on the inside. I don’t know what it is about this day and age, but everyone feels that they must have a Pinterest life.
I am here to tell you that your life doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to look perfect to anyone else. Whether you have two under two, or your kids are older, life is crazy no matter what stage you’re in.
So, if you are like me, and you have a newborn and a 1-year-old, don’t worry about your house, your hair, or your clothes. Nobody will remember that, neither will you. Soak up your time with your kids, spend all day with them in your pajamas, and stop cleaning your house. Your kids won’t remember what your hair looked like, but they will cherish the moments they got to spend with you in your pajamas.
What matters most are these early days. Count your blessings. Take too many pictures. Remember your baby’s milestones. Cry happy tears. These moments won’t last forever and will be gone before you know it.