Stop. Slow down and breathe, mama.

Stop. Slow Down and Breathe, Mama.

There is something so new and fresh about waking up in the mornings. Maybe it’s the clean air, or the way your house looks that tells a story about yesterday.

Stop. Slow down, and breathe, mama.

Maybe it’s the birds chirping a brand new day, or the way the plants grew from the night before. Maybe it’s the calm aurora that fills the souls of the home while still asleep, and dreaming about happiness.

One thing I’ve found about mornings is that they are all gifts.

Yes, a true gift from God.

Stop. Slow down, and breathe, mama.

You see, God already has your life planned for you. He knows what is going to happen to you today, tomorrow, and the next. He gives you new life, every single morning as that sun rises, and it is up to you to use it as God planned.

It’s not up to you, your goals, or your desires on what you want to do with your day, what you want to achieve, tasks you need to get done.

It’s God’s.

Stop. Slow down, and breathe, mama.

So, my hope for you today, is this:

I hope you slow down, and put that “to-do” list away.

I hope you stop, and connect yourself with the presence. Breathe in the air God has gifted you with today, and celebrate. Be grateful you get to wake up to another day with you, your spouse, your family, and maybe even your beautiful children who sleep peacefully.

I hope you feel this calm presence, and open your ears to hear God.

What is he saying? What are his intentions for you today?

Put your hands over your heart, and feel your heart beating. Feel the blood flowing through your fingers, the clarity of your mind moving you as you set Godly intentions today.

You see, life is not all about what we have. Living a life of abundance doesn’t mean having it all, and doing it all. It means living an abundant life through God, doing the things He wants you to do, serving others, and spreading joy to those in need.

Today, right now, I hope you slow down. Stop. Breathe the air. And listen to God.

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