6 Ways to Combat Stress

If you are like me, your stress can be all over the place. The babysitter calls in sick. Then, you go to work, open your e-mail, only to find that a client is upset. You get home, and your kids are melting down because they’re hungry.

Does this sound familiar?

Yes, we’ve all been in those shoes. But what are you going to do about it? After all, life is not what happens to you. It’s how you react with what happens to you.

To help you get through these stressful moments, here are 6 ways to help you combat stress:

  1. Laugh

Yes, I said laugh. Funny, right? (No pun intended). In those stressful times, maintaining a sense of humor can relieve your stress in many ways. First, there are many ways you can benefit from laughter. Studies have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring a dose of happiness and also increase immunity. Also, it’s more difficult to stay stressed when you’re laughing. Maintaining a sense of humor is a great reminder that our stressors may not be as unbearable as they seem. So, next time you’re stressed, just laugh it off.

2. Aromatherapy

This is one of my favorites, and as easy as it comes. Studies show that certain types of aromatherapy are passive forms of stress relief – you don’t have to do anything, but go about your day as you normally would.

3. Meditation

This is becoming a mainstay for many because it brings so many wonderful benefits, as well as resilience against future stress. You should not shy away from this, if you think you don’t have time to practice, etc. All it takes is 5 minutes!

4. Breathing exercises

These can be done if you’re at work, at home, at the airport, or in the car. They can be done anywhere, with little training. Combined with other stress relief techniques, you will quickly (and easily) be able to combat forms of anxiety and high stress.

5. Exercise

Exercise provides so many health benefits, besides the obvious (toned arms, anyone?). It can be a quick outlet for frustration, and an excellent distraction to get your mind off of what you’re stressed about. It’s not always a “quick” way to relieve stress, however, there are so many options to exercise at your desk chair, or even in bed, if you don’t have time to get to the gym!

6. Change your environment

A quick change of environment always does a body good. If you’re in the office, step outside and breathe. If you’re at home, change rooms. Whatever environment you’re in, ditch it!


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