The Ultimate Relationship – Day 2

Wow, Day 1 was a boatload of information. I had to listen to it three times to be able to absorb everything.

So, we are on to day 2 of The Ultimate Relationship Program. With that, I learned there are actually laws of love to follow, also a road map to lasting passion.

Experiencing your ultimate relationship isn’t a matter of luck or good intent. The measure of any extraordinary relationship can only come from the commitment of two things:

  1. Developing and mastering the skills needed to make an outstanding relationship — also called The 7 Master Skills of Relationship
  2. Consistently applying these 7 skills through commitment of standards — The 10 Disciplines.

Stay with me here…

Here are the 7 Master Skills of a Relationship. If you do these every single day, and follow the 10 disciples (below), this is your first step to success to reignite a new life of new relationships.

  1. Heartfelt Understanding – understanding and empathizing with your partner’s emotional patterns, and committing to being there for them.
  2. Giving your Partner What they Really Need – if you focus on what YOU’RE not getting, YOU’RE never going to be a giver. If you’re not a giver, the relationship won’t grow. What would you give to someone you love? Everything.
  3. Create and Build Trust + Respect – it all begins with meeting your partners needs. Can your partner count on you to be there emotionally? In times of uncertainty and stress? You need to be present to experience true depth in your love.
  4. Reclaim Playfulness, Presence and Passion – You CAN spark passion in your lover, regardless of how long it’s been gone. What does your partner need? Who are YOU at YOUR CORE? How can you express your deepest gifts to your partner?
  5. Harness Courage and Embrace Honesty – We all can be rewarded or discouraged for certain behaviors we exhibit in our relationship. We also all have needs and fears that keep us from expressing everything we feel. However, when we don’t express ourselves in that exact moment, we hold back, and that leads to a loss of passion in our relationship. You HAVE to break through those barriers, and rise above your fears to express yourself with passion.
  6. Uncover and Create Alignment – It’s horrible to be in a relationship where both partners have incompatible goals. You don’t need to have the same beliefs, but they should be leading you both in one direction.
  7. Live Consciously: Be an example – Do NOT be your history. Do NOT just imitate your parent’s examples. Create your own. The best way to change your family forever is to change yourself – it will ripple through the generations. If you have children, they are leading by your example.

And finally… The 10 Disciplines of Love… Remember these as you focus on the 7 master skills each and every day.

  1. Putting Your Lover First: IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU! – put his/her feelings and needs first. If you focus on pain, your putting your needs first.
  2. Loving No Matter What: The Power of Love, Adoration and Praise – Love always… through pain, through joy, and through fear. Love penetrates all.
  3. Being Yourself: Emanate and Express Your Natural Essence and True Core – it’s impossible to try to align with someone if you are not being yourself. Live your truth.
  4. Positive Intent: Eliminate Threats and Judgement and Remember the Power of Language – Never make your partner ‘wrong.’
  5. Freedom: The Power of Forgiving, Forgetting and Flooding – Don’t hold on to the pain/blame/judgement. Forgive him/her for their mistakes and tell yourself what’s beautiful in your relationship.
  6. Daily Intimacy + Full Engagement: Open your Heart and Hold Nothing Back – Be wild, be courageous, be tender, be intense. Don’t fear, and don’t become a prisoner of negative thoughts/feelings. DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY TELL YOU.
  7. Polarity: The Power of Dancing Energies – Serve him/her now. Feel, and appreciate them. Be their joy.
  8. Loving Truth: The Power of Vulnerability – give them honesty, always.
  9. Utilization: The Power of Higher Meaning and Constant Growth – ALWAYS find the good and beauty in everything. Use that beauty to expand your love for them.
  10. Gratitude and Giving: Appreciation is the Power – You have one life to live, experience it’s blessings.

More good stuff to come. Overall, I like where this is heading. It is a lot of information, and I actually have a screenshot of this saved on my phone so that I can make sure to “tally” off each and every one daily.



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